Join A Club Of Aspiring Brave Travelers And Fly Together, Worry-Free!

A Community of Brave Travelers and Supportive Dreamers who will help you buy that ticket and get on that plane without jitters.


  • Feeling like a prisoner to your own fear every time you even think about stepping onto a plane?
  • Having sweaty palms, racing heart, and sleepless nights before and during each flight?
  • Feeling line you’re alone in your struggle and wishing you have a community to lean on?

We’re here to the rescue…


The Ready To Fly! Club

The Ready to Fly! Club is a 12-week online program that has a messaging support and private community that’s designed specifically for people who struggle with anxiety and fear of flying and want to process overcoming these including:

  • Crashing
  • Turbulence
  • Takeoff
  • Panic Attacks
  • Anticipation Anxiety

With the help of my proven techniques with a community of Supportive and Brave Travelers and Courageous Dreamers, you'll have the tools and skills you need to conquer your fear and go from fearful flyer to confident adventurer, ready to take on any destination, no matter the air travel situation.

Here's What You'll Get:

Bi-Weekly Group Calls

Every other week for 3 months, you'll join me for a 60-minute live, interactive Q&A session where we'll dive deep into the materials and work through exercises and real-life scenarios. This will be recorded so you can review them anytime

Unlimited Access

You'll have unlimited access to the course, so you can revisit the material as often as you need to really master the concepts and techniques.

Personal Support

You won't be alone on this journey! You'll have access to me if you have questions or if you need to process and debrief your flight.

Private Community

You'll join a private community called Ready To Fly! Club community, where you can connect, support each other, and share your progress.

PDF Guides

You'll receive PDF guides to help you stay organized and on track. These will be packed with helpful tips, action items, and exercises to help you internalize the material.

Video Lessons

You'll also get video explanations of key concepts, so you can see them in action and understand them at a deeper level.

Messaging Support

You'll have messaging support with me through WhatsApp or any messaging app convenient for you, so you can get the answers you need quickly and easily during flights.

Book Recommendations

I'll share my top book recommendations to further support your journey. These books will help you build a solid foundation and continue to develop your skills long after the course is over.

Direct Access

You'll have access to the recorded Q&A videos from my previous live sessions in case you don't know what to ask yet but are looking for answers.

What Will Happen If You Join Us…

Say Goodbye to Fear

You will learn how to take control of your thoughts, manage your stress levels and overcome the fear of flying. You will be able to fly with confidence and ease, even during turbulence and takeoff.

Gain Control Over Your Life

With the skills in this course, you will be able to take control of your life and conquer your fears. This newfound confidence will spill over into other areas of your life and you will feel empowered to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Enjoy The Journey

Flying should be an enjoyable experience, and with my program, you will be able to look forward to your trips without feeling overwhelmed and anxious. You will be able to relax and take in the beauty of the skies.

Never Feeling Alone

You never have to feel alone in your transformative journey because the Life Takes Flight community will be there for you in moments you need them the most.

The Ready To Fly! Club Is For…

  • First-time flyers who have upcoming flights and want a community to lean on for confidence in flying for the first time.
  • Frequent travelers who suddenly felt anxious and fearful of flying and want real-time support to ground themselves.
  • Vacationers who are haunted by unsettling experiences and want to enjoy going on vacations again through flying.
  • Parents keen on setting a brave example for their kids during air travel.
  • Professionals who don’t want to be stuck in one place and be able to accelerate their careers to new heights (figuratively and literally).

Don't just take my word for it.

Here are some screenshots of messages and posts from people I've helped.

Ready To Fly! Club

The Ready to Fly! Club is a 12-week online program that has a messaging support and private community that’s designed specifically for people who struggle with anxiety and fear of flying.

Here’s What’s Inside…

  • Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Call
  • Unlimited Access
  • Personal Support
  • Private Community
  • PDF Guides
  • Video Lessons
  • Messaging Support
  • Book Recommendations
  • Direct Access


$697 ONLY


Hi there, I'm Adam

Once, I dreaded flying. Now, I help people like you conquer that fear.

You're not alone in your fear of flying, even when you've tried everything, from books to therapy. I've been there, and I know the frustration of wanting to explore but being held back by fear. I tried it all, but the conventional methods didn't bring lasting relief; the fear always returned, stronger.

Ready to Fly! Club will help you understand the root causes of your fear, provide you with tools and techniques to manage your anxiety, and give you the confidence you need to take to the skies with ease.

Still Have Questions?

Caught in some pre-flight turbulence of confusion? Let's smooth things out together! 😉

What’s the difference between this and The Ready To Fly! Self-Paced Course?

A: The Ready To Fly! Self-Paced Course does NOT have weekly group coaching calls, private community, and messaging support group. It’s purely self-paced according to your preferred learning pace. After the 12 weeks you can still ask questions in the group and continue to make progress at your own pace.

How long is the group coaching call?

A: The group coaching calls are 60 minutes and will depend on how complex the questions are.

Will I have access to you if I have questions or need support?

A: Absolutely! I want to make sure that you have the support you need to succeed, so you'll have access to me to answer any questions and provide support throughout the course.

How long do I have access to the course materials?

A: You'll have unlimited access to the course materials for as long as the course is available. That means you can revisit the lessons and exercises whenever you need to.

What days and times does this program meet live?

A: We meet every other Saturdays at 10am PST within 3 months. The meetings are done over Zoom and are also posted in the Facebook group where all the recordings will also be available.

I don't have a flight coming up soon, will this course still be helpful for me?

A: Absolutely! Whether you have a flight coming up soon or not, the Ready To Fly! Club will give you the tools and skills you need to overcome your anxiety about flying for good. This is a comprehensive program that will help you develop a solid foundation to tackle your fears head-on.

I'm not sure if this course is for me. What if I have tried everything and nothing has worked?

A: If you've tried everything and nothing has worked, that's precisely why this course was created! You will get instant access to videos, exercises, guides, and a community that wants to encourage you to transform and fly, higher and higher, fearlessly.